FuturesCom Fees


Old CME Floor

$ 5,400.00 yearly


$ 2,900.00 Six Months


$ 1,450.00 Three Months

Hedge Funds, Corporate, Trading Desks, Industry Professionals: $ 7,750 per Yesvreenar

Premier Service

Premier Ideas  Coaching plus Flagship Service and FuturesCom Trading Tool Included  !

$ 9,200.00 per year

$ 5,700.00 Six Months

Hedge Funds, Corporate, Trading Desks, Industry Professionals and Private Family Representatives contact us for a price quote.  

levels_stock_market_tradersStock Market and E-Mini Index Service

E-Mini: SP500 , Nasdaq 100 Russell 2000

$ 3,900.00 per year

$ 399.00 per month

$ 2,100.00 Six months

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