Independent Publisher of Non-Personal Investment Market Research

Our Mission

FuturesCom.com is an independent publisher of non-personal investment market research, specializing in professional market letters, digital content and opinions. FuturesCom was founded in 1993 and has been publishing investment newsletters via the internet since 1996.

FuturesCom.com is not a broker or money manager and is totally independent. We specialize in independent analysis of investment markets.

FuturesCom supports the professional and non-professional trading community with independent analysis. Research for global equity markets, treasuries, energies, agricultural commodities, futures and foreign exchange markets is done daily. FuturesCom clients span the globe and may range from private office and family investors, professional or individual traders, day traders and money managers along with institutional trading houses and brokers.

FuturesCom’s mission is to provide timely investment market analysis for a variety of trading, spreading and hedging strategies. FuturesCom accumulates and analyzes information from a global perspective. Australia, China, Europe both East and West, Mideast, Far East, North and South America. By combining fundamental research and detailed technical analysis, subscribers are provided with valuable market insights and research. Subscribers are kept abreast of domestic and international markets with constant live updates, timely independent analysis and research opinions.

Efforts are devoted to providing easy access to its investment market reports and information. Independent analysis of investment markets affords us the ability to view all angles of investment market activity. Analysis of market news & fundamental developments is constantly updated, some times many times a day depending on market conditions. Socio-economics and current geopolitical developments are coupled with a highly detailed technical perspective.  Short term and long-term historical price and economic analysis are then combined to give subscribers a proper perspective on the market directly ahead and further out into the future. Digital Content is derived from 35 years of investment market background.